Dr. Victor Revenko
Dr. Victor Revenko
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(PIAPMM NASU), Ukraine
Dr. Victor Revenko is currently, a Leading Researcher, Department Mathematical problems of mechanics of heterogeneous solids in PIAPMM NASU. His education background is that he has a Master Degree in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in National University of Lviv and PhD degree by specialization of mechanics of deformable solid body, Ukraine. Then he did complete his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in PIAPMM NASU, Lviv, Ukraine.
The main scientific results: Mechanics of materials. Theory of elasticity.
For the first time it has been proved that the general representation of the stressed state of an isotropic body is expressed through three harmonic functions and has been constructed in the simplest form. Exact representations of solutions of equations of elasticity theory for a wide class of orthotropic materials have been found. A new representation of the general solution of static thermoelastic equations has been proposed. A universal analytical-numerical method for solving systems of equations with coefficients depending on coordinate variables has been developed. To solve problems in multiply connected bodies, the finite body method is proposed. This method allows solving boundary value problems in multiply connected bodies without disturbance physical and mechanical principles. Various boundary value problems have been solved by him. He has several research experiences including 100 research articles and over 100 proceedings.