Prof. Fanqiang Meng
Prof. Fanqiang Meng
Sun Yat-Sen University, China
标题: Mechanical properties and microstructure of Al-Mg-Ce alloys prepared by additive manufacturing and hot-extrusion

Al-Ce-based alloys become more attractive due to high castability, high temperature stability and high mechanical properties. In the present study, the effect of minor Ti addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufactured and hot-extruded Al-Ce-Mg samples was investigated.  Both W/O Ti addition samples exhibit high additive manufacturing formability, but Ti addition degrades the ductility by introduction of brittle Al-Ce-Ti phase.  Compared to traditional hot-extrusion, lower solidification velocity in additive manufacturing process results in a coarse secondary phase, and then degrades the strength, but enhances the elongation.  Current results suggest that high mechanical properties can be achieved in additive manufactured Al-Ce-Mg alloy by optimizing the processing parameter to control the density of porosities and particle size of precipitates.


Meng Fanqiang is associate professor in Sun Yat-Sen University and senior engineer in Institute for Advanced Science Facility (IASF) in Shenzhen. He received his phD from joint program between University of Tsukuba and National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan. Prof. Meng’s research interest includes the application of synchrotron X-ray techniques on phase transformation and deformation mechanism of metallic structural materials, service safety evaluation of structural materials used for nuclear power plant. He also works on the development of new manufacturing and characterization techniques of alloys.