Dr. Bruno Wacogne
Dr. Bruno Wacogne
FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS UMR 6174, Besancon, France
Clinical Investigation Center, INSERM CIC 1431, University Hospital,Besancon, France
标题: Bi-directional translational research: how practical applications fuel fundamental

Translational research consists in translating fundamental research results as closely as possible to patients. Researchers or institutions sometimes underestimate these translational studies because it is thought that, although essential for setting up new investigation tools, they do not deepen fundamental knowledge.
However, users face specific difficulties due to biological, physiological and clinical constraints. In other words, new questions and scientific obstacles arise when research is applied to the real world. In order to address these new challenges, reverse translational research is required. This paradigm consists in understanding difficulties faced when accounting for the above mentioned constraints, expressing them in terms of scientific theories and solving them by defining new prisms through which reality is perceived.
Consequently, fundamental research is fueled by this renewed perception translational research induces.
In this talk, we illustrate this principle with the development of what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first fluorescence based calibration free micro pH sensor. The expressed need was to continuously monitor some physiological pH related constants inside the human body. The main clinical constraint was therefore the use of the sensor in a calibration free manner. We show how fluorescence pH measurement had to be rethought and how a new physical-chemical understanding of acid-base reactions at the sensor’s surface had to be discovered to address this constraint.
More generally and to open discussions on translational and reversed translational research, we present how we developed bi-directional research actions between practitioners and technology researchers in eastern France.


Dr Bruno Wacogne is a CNRS Research Director at the FEMTO-ST Institute (one of the biggest Science and Technologies laboratory in France) where he was the head of the "Photonics for medical instrumentation" team before to join the BioMicroDevices group. He created and is now leading the Biom'@x transversal axis "Science et technology for personalized medicin" within this Institute (video). In 2010, at the request of Besancon University Hospital, he applied and has been awarded a Translational Research Fellow position from the National AVIESAN Alliance. This is a supplementary position that allows him to be at the interface between the health activities at the FEMTO-ST Institute and the Clinical Investigation Center in Technological Innovation at Besancon University Hospital. At the hospital, he is now the technological supervisor of the institution and the head of "Microsystems and biological qualification" unit. 

His research interests concern translational research, science and technology for health and more precisely immuno-combined medical devices, biological qualification devices and biomedical optics. He author or co-author of about 230 communications among which 8 patents, 1 invited paper and about 30 invited conferences. He is regularly chairman in international conferences. He has been awarded twice: Gold Micron at the International MICRONORA Workshop and Best Poster Award at the 2nd International Conference on Bio-sensing Technology, Amsterdam, The Nederlands.